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Artwork views: 23977
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Score: 24510
desenhista autodidata Objetivo:Tatuador
`good luck to you`
`vamos ver no que da.`
`good luck`
`Sailor Moon fanart or any ideas related to Sailor Moon (like your own projects of a sailor girl and so on ;>)`
`Zombie Movie Inspired`
`Love Live School Idol Project Only`
`Go? (picked random one:P)`
`I'm guessing you mean things the go, like vehicles, or you mean go try this open ended challenge. `
`Original portrait (Graphite)`
`Feito com Giz pastel seco `
`A cute animal wanting a cookie. `
`=) `
`hey :)`
`gogogo coringa kkkk`
`go go`
`Good luck`
`Que vença o melhor kkk`