Artwork views: 10165

Followers: 4

Following: 3

Score: 24610

Group Trees


My name is Thao, from Vietnam. I like painting and I can do something, not very good but I'm still trying, with a pencil and watercolor. I do some digital too.





`pencil portrait`

`challenge accepted`

`Anime/manga, traditional`

`challenge accepted`

`from "tree" group, :)) `

`Ok :)`

`trees challenge`

`good luck`

`landscape painting challenge.`


`WIP, good luck!`

`for fun`

`PANDA :)`

`just for fun`

`GO.Que vença o melhor hehehe ♣`


`Graphite Drawing`

`just for fun`

`just for fun`


`just for fun`

`come on`

`I would like to see more found art animal sculptures. They can be made out of anything you find. For one I did, I used a dual window fan, a coffee pot, thank you bags, and a flashlight which is all held together with different glues. I challenge people to do their best at making them sort of realistic with bizarre pieces. Good luck and have fun!`

`just for fun, `

`just for fun`


`plz accept`


`just for fun.`

`just for the lolz`

`plz accept`

`um... thanks for the challenge ^^?`

`just for fun, `

`um... thanks for the challenge ^^?`

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