Artwork views: 17717

Followers: 14

Following: 14

Score: 24940

`Pet drawing`

`Good luck`


`Good luck!^^`

`Anime Character :)`

`Good luck!`

`Colored Pencil`

`Good luck!`

`Pet portrait`

`lets do it :)`

`Anime/Manga Fanart!`


`Human(s) and animal(s)`

`Check description attached to this image. `

`Anime character ....`

`Hello, I would like to take up the challenge, not sure what else to write here.ΧD`

`Animal Eye(s)`

`My eye ^^`

`Cat Drawing`


`Would bet 1000 if i could... PENCIL DRAWING ONLY! `

`Hello, I guess I want to try the challenge, not sure what else I am supposed to write here so, farewell. :Ρ`

`Eyes _The reflection of the soul_ : Just draw Them !!`

`Hello, it's the first time I've tried a challenge and I don't even know what I'm supposed to say, but I wrote nevertheless.. :Ρ`

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