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Originally from Ohio, Melissa now resides in Evansville, Wisconsin. She is a mother of four and office manager for a sustainable landscape company. Although passionate about art for many years, Melissa has just recently come public with her graphite pencil pet/animal sketches known as “Pencil Pet”. “I enjoy watching the animals ‘come to life’ as each stage of a sketch progresses. What I enjoy even more is the satisfaction my clients have when seeing their pet captured on paper.” When not taking custom orders, Melissa likes to sell other original pieces by incorporating nature scenes and animals together. She is also in the early stages of writing and illustrating children’s short stories. Although no formal training, Melissa hopes to only learn and grow more in the future!


`Good luck to the both of us :)`

`bird, drawing only`

`Accepted, good luck!!`

`Anything! Surprise me! ;)`

`Good luck`

`person portrait`


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