More artworks made by deathlouis
i tried drawing the same person again but this time a different picture of her, she'll never see this, but i will honestly truly never stop caring and loving her, theres no one in the world who'll ever mean as much as she does to me. I miss her more than anything, she is everything to me.
Challenge: deathlouis VS pencilpet
Oscarlira 16 Sep 2015
Awesome drawing The shading is perfect
Crystal Jones 18 Jan 2016
Great work !!!
hubert perron 25 Feb 2016
splendid !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nathan 6 Sep 2015
This is a very good drawing and to me it shows that you care for this person because you have obviously put such effort into it, very well done!
FaerieWarrior 26 Jun 2016
really nice :3
KatHar 6 Nov 2015
Marvellous! But you should to work wit her eyes
Drachul 11 Oct 2015
Love how you did the shading, only think I can think of is that her right eye (the left from our perspective) seems slightly too large. I especially like how you did her hair. Really like the realistic style of the drawing.
rogerkr 23 Sep 2015
very nice
louievt 6 Sep 2015
so adorable,with a face like that cant blame you hehe
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