Artwork views: 3300

Followers: 0

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Score: 3650


I'm a seasoned artist with 10+ years of experience in traditional and digital art. I enjoy creating unique and vivid imagery to evoke emotion and inspiration in others. I strongly believe in setting goals and working hard to reach them. * 10+ years traditional art experience: Acrylic paint Oil paint Watercolor Pencil (graphite and colored) Charcoal Pastels * 10+ years digital art experience: Photoshop/GIMP 3D modeling and animation Digital drawing and painting Digital compositing and image manipulation

`Dessert painting`


`Vehicle drawing`


`Digital drawing of building`


`Multi-person portrait painting.`

`Good luck`

`Realistic drawing of an eye.`

`cats eye`

`Customized video game art`

`I am working on a side "gaming" project, and so far this is the idea that I have for the main page. KEEP IN MIND THAT THIS NOT A FINAL PIECE. ALL RIGHTS GO KITTEN_500 & MARCELLAD20.`

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