Artwork views: 19746

Followers: 10

Following: 2

Score: 39990


Self-taught Artist // Germany // Traditional Art // Portraits Deviantart: Instagram: Vonnitr instagram: Vonnitr






`here we go`


`Good luck `

`You can put anything :)`




`Woman b&w`


`Progression of a work`


`Black and White Creepy Picture`


`Scream, and blood`


`Breaking Bad`

`Hero you go`


`Hi! Good luck and have fun!`

`Match the emotion. Grasp the true feeling of dwelling in darkness as if it is all you've ever known`


`I have no idea what write :D`




`Black and white.`


`Clown Hate.`


`Alice in Wonderland`

`idk what is dis bout but anyway xdd`


`good luck.`

`MS Paint human`


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