Artwork views: 53470

Followers: 11

Following: 134

Score: 62690


I love's the breath that I take and my cure when I'm sick or depressed's in my blood

`let's have fun`


`let's have fun`


`animals `

`challenge accepted :)`

`Anime guys with tattoo/s.`

`challenge accepted :)`

`I hope the best will win :)`

`Good luck! :-)`

`I hope the best will win :)`

`Greetings from Germany!`

`Cat with chain saws!!!`

`I hope the best will win :)`

`monkey business`

`challenge accepted :)`


`I hope the best will win :)`

`I hope the best work will win`

`Let's eat some art, shall we? `

`I hope the best work will win`


`I hope the best work will win`

`may the best win`

`I hope the best work will win`


`I hope the best work will win`


`I hope the best work will win`


`I hope the best work will win`

`I hope the same`

`I hope the best work will win`

`too bad I don't know the theme of your drawing. You can write it in your message, you know. `

`I hope the best work will win`

`I guess I love secrets)`


`I hope the best will win`

`Cave drawing`

`I hope the best will win`

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