Artwork views: 335065

Followers: 98

Following: 39

Score: 794460


self taugth traditional artist specialized un pastel, pen and pencil

`Nude Woman sketch`

`Kinda like that one :)`

`Nude Woman Sketch `

`Almost naked`

`Reto para ganar créditos Reto 2 de 2 Por favor rétame 2 veces`


`Para ganar créditos, por favor rétame 2 veces. Reto 1 de 2`


`Star Wars`


`Star Wars`


`Summer swimsuit pinup (my example is anthro furry, but that isn't required, just the swimsuit) `


`ancient goddess`




`A spider`


`A boat`

`Some wolves `

`Star wars art`

`Rey :)`


`Ok :)`

`Woman b&w`


`Marvel heroin`

`This could be fun:)`

`Woman in white Chalk And Black paper`


`Clint eastwood or cowboy`

`Here you go - Clint Eastwood as cowboy. `


`lion's hair/mane`

`Gorila `

`Worth a try :)`

`Villain from cómics `

`She's a vilain :P`

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