More artworks made by Oscarlira

Study of charcoal
Drawing made in white charcoal over Black paper
Challenge: caratulion VS Oscarlira
Jan Spicka 26 Apr 2016
looks pretty good oscar:)
Oscarlira 26 Apr 2016
Tha ks very Much My friend Jan
Khobe 27 Apr 2016
I see you're getting incentives by friendly challenges, that can be rewarding if you let yourself be driven just for the fun of it but demand artistic quality always. It can stimulate your apprenticeship forward. Explore and accumulate experiences while sticking to solid artistic principles, that's the best recipe. You are growing and gaining confidence!
Oscarlira 27 Apr 2016
Khobe i understand very well What You are Telling me, And Yes i cannot resist to a challenge i love them, Just For The fun to have It, of Course That im following The artistic principles, actually im very focused on That, Thanks very Much For Your comments. Even i do These drawings You know That im form on the task That You told me, to sketching until You tell me What is next
trevorp 13 Jun 2016
Nice black & white artwork Oscar :-)
NykuT 27 Apr 2016
i send you a message on your fb page ... when you find some time, answer me there ))
NykuT 26 Apr 2016
hy gues, if you did a mini concurs between you without me, I also want to participate :D :D i see that the caratilon did the same drawing, someone propose a (theme, photo or a subject) something, and who want to participate, they are welcome ))))) what do you say guys?
Oscarlira 26 Apr 2016
Nyku, Your proposal is more than welcomed, That was exactly What we Did, we propose a theme And decided to work by ourselves And see What happen. It was very interesting And we had a lot of fun doing It. As It is still dificult to talk someone here, do You have Instagram or snapchat ? MY id on Both is: oscarliraart Please let me know And we can start a new challenge between we 3, And with more people as they May be adding to our tópics challenge
NirmtwarKs 28 Apr 2016
I think this type of drawings are the most beautiful you have in your gallery! I love them! ^.^
Oscarlira 29 Apr 2016
I really appreciate Your words Nirmtwark, i really love Drawing in b&w And more If The background is Black
Anonymous 26 Apr 2016
mucho mejor que el mio.....GRANDE MASTER
Oscarlira 26 Apr 2016
Claro que no es así, solo es un trazo diferente, tú dibujo es genial
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