Artwork views: 334392

Followers: 98

Following: 39

Score: 794460


self taugth traditional artist specialized un pastel, pen and pencil


`Good luck ;)`

`WIP `

`a ver,,,,`

`green `

`Accepted, its a wip `

`I am new in this in challenge`

`Etou...I'm new too so nice to meet you! ^_^`

`Anime or manga style girl `


`WIP `


`Anthropomorphic / furry fox girl. Cartoon animal people in general would be a nice match up. `


`Scifi Space fighter jet. Dose anyone else like to draw futuristic fighter jets? `


`Red dress`

`Accepted :)`

`here u go:)`

`Infinite Thanks `



`detail of body`


`Challenge fur The event, send challenge back `

`thanks `



`Starting up`


`JS challenge`

`Good luck :)`

`A male dc comics character`


`JS challenge`

`Good luck :)`



`A female dc comics character`

`Voodo Israel from wildstorm and wildstorm is from dc :)`

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