
Artwork views: 73060

Followers: 56

Following: 98

Score: 195680


Hi everyone, my name is Nicolai I'm 24... I live in Italy but originally I'm from Moldova. Drawing for my is just a hobby... I like drawing and I admire the others works... so let's fun ;)

`A little fairy`


`white on black`


`pencil portrait (girl)`

`Hello! ^-^`

`face (girl)`

`Hello ^-^`

`pencil prtrait B&W`

`Good luck`

`Draving portrait challenge`


`pencil prtratit (color)`

`Hi, it's the first time Ipartecipate, so if I do something wrong, just tell me...`

`eyes (colored pencil)`


`human eye, with colors or not... however you like ))`


`horse `

`What kind of horse do you have? ;)`

`pencil portrait WIP`


`colored pencils portrait`

`Good luck.`


`let's fun ))`

`sexy girl `

`Little Sexy Saiyajin Chick`

`Pencil drawing nude challenge`


`ballpointpen challenge `


`ballpoint pen work (girl)`

`Hi Good luck have fun!`

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