
Artwork views: 23797

Followers: 10

Following: 36

Score: 52550

`(really old cartoons)`

`I hope it is in the challenge theme`

`somting from (Batman)`

`Did this lil' thing a while ago!`

`somting with (rain drops)`


`Doodles. Several somethings small and simple that you created out of boredom `

`little man.`

`dress `

`Good evening!`


`;) Good luck`


`does it count as anime? ;D`


`blue eggs`

`Harley Quinn`

`Lets go`

`rabbit (conejo)`

`I know this looks simple but I am rather proud of it! I hope it is what you had in mind`

`dream Catcher (atrapa sueño)`

`Hurray for crafts!`

`Animal sketch:)`

`panda :)`


`chicken (pollo)`

`couple pencil drawing`

`love me please`

`Do a profile or side view a unique vehicle of your design.`

`mountains (montañas)`


`sphere decorative (esfera decorativa)`

`Old street in your town`

`my house back yard (el patio de mi casa)`


`Deer (ciervo)`

`rufus (from kim possible)`

`Good luck! ^^`


`DD my dog`

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