
More artworks made by Ushbus



By Ushbus
Type: craft Uploaded: 2015-08-10


This is Ushbus posing next to her character design from before she was made. Her head, legs, tail are posable. She is made out of Fimo clay.

Challenge: Nozomi VS Ushbus


  • NobleBacon 21 Aug 2015

    Why do i love this so much!?!

  • LadyFuzztail 3 Nov 2016

    The design is pretty reminiscent of the Stalker/Metro series, the clay figure came out great.

    Ushbus 15 Nov 2016


  • MunchkinTheMunch 7 Sep 2015

    *Excited gasp* This. Is. Awesome! I love polymer clay, and this is such and inspiration.

  • mistyeye2015 10 Aug 2015

    Not really sure what to say other than it's weird and strange and I love it. Nicely made and like the way she's posed, as if reading her own design notes. Great work.

  • Anonymous 10 Aug 2015

    How interesting

  • Anonymous 10 Aug 2015


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