Artwork views: 21831

Followers: 13

Following: 7

Score: 43370


Self-taught artist Folow me on: Instagram: Facebook:

`Have fun `

`No Djani No party`

`Pet portrait`

`lets do it :)`


`Good luck`


`Good Luck! :)`




`lets do it :)`

`Jennifer Lopez`

`have fun!`

`Perspective - architecture, still life, interior design`

`lets go! :) `





`Captain Jack Sparrow`


`Car, vehicle, landscape, graphit pencils`


`Someone waht to challenge some paiting of horses? :)`


`Some race with our horses? :)`

`ok :)`

`Drawing city`

`This is my first try, be cool with me, please :D`

`Are we going to challenge? :)`

`Take that! :-)`

`Hi, can we do some challenge? :)`

`Sure, challenge accepted !`

`Do you wanna to challenge our cars? :) Your brothers car, and my Supra? 1 on 1, like drag race? :)`

`Sure, why not? I've never done a challenge yet though so I don't know what I'm doing lol :)`

`Hi EKA, do you wanna cnallenge our Lions? ;)`

`sure, why not :P`

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