Artwork views: 81680

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Hi, my name is Milena and I’m from Poland :) I always wanted to draw nice, I started to watch a lot of pictures in interntet and then I decided to improve my drawing skills. My first pictures aren’t very good but I didn’t give up and I practiced more. Today I’m pretty content with my drawings but I still learn. :) Well you’re welcome to enter my gallery and check how much my drawing skills improved during time ;) Enjoy :D

`Abstract Design`

`Good luck :)`

`Nude scifi girl`

`Good luck :)`

`Cat :)`


`Leopard (black & white)`


`Theme: Bird`

`Good Luck :)`

`Polar bear`


`black n white drawing of a dog `

`Good luck :)`


`couple it is :) `

`Chick (black & white)`


`Graphite drawing of a dog/wolf`

`Good luck :)`



`A kiss`

`Good luck :)`

`human eye, with colors or not... however you like ))`

`Good luck :)`

`Felt like creating a little bikini babe challenge from a drawing I did a little while ago...`

`Good Luck :)`

`horses in pencils only`

`Good luck :)`

`birds only`

`Good luck :)`

`birds only`

`Small Parrot`

`Muscle study`

`Good luck :)`


`3d :)`


`Rough Collie`

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