
Artwork views: 113094

Followers: 41

Following: 86

Score: 147340


Traditional artist from Czech Republic. Likes mythology, fantasy and other weird and mysterious stuff. Lived in Ireland and Finland. Currently working on series of paintings based on tarot cards. web page: www.

`moon and girl challenge`

`nice to meet ya`

`devil challenge`

`Lets go!`

`Black and white. ( Please, by correction to my work, respect the subject of the challenge. Thank you. )`

`it is black and white`

`The Tower challenge`


`Fantasy figure`

`Hello there~ Hope I understood the theme properly, please don't hold it against me if not! ^^;`

`fantasy ship challenge`

`i didnt really care about my ship i needed a challenger :P`

`Tree man `

`Thank you!`

`Fantasy rider`


`Cyborg Horror Girl`

`good luck`

`Dream Drawings`

`good luck`

`Valkyria challenge`

` `

`old man`

`Using an ink portrait`

`fairy challenge`


`How about a friendly composition?`

`Glad to oblige, although I hope u meant firiendly competition:D good luck`

`fantastic dramatic scene`

`Not sure if I chose the right one. heheh`

`death challenge`

`Let's see who wins huh dude? :) Hope we're both doing well ;)`

`angel challenge`

`Guess what you did could be better than my Marilyn stencil. wish us both luck :)`

`Demon challenge`


`Greek mythology challenge`


`nudes in the dark challenge`

`idk what is dis bout but anyway xdd`

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