
Artwork views: 113094

Followers: 41

Following: 86

Score: 147340


Traditional artist from Czech Republic. Likes mythology, fantasy and other weird and mysterious stuff. Lived in Ireland and Finland. Currently working on series of paintings based on tarot cards. web page: www.

`Cyborg Horror Girl`

`good luck`

`animal with person`


`fantasy machine challenge`

`fantasy machine`

`skeleton challenge`


`A road travelled in dreams`

`Good luck`

`Mandala Challenge`

`a bit different take on the theme`

`here u go:)`

`Infinite Thanks `

`Greek mythology challenge`

`Good luck!`

`Challenge fur The event, send challenge back `

`thanks `


`Let´s play`

`JS challenge`

`Good luck :)`

`JS challenge`

`Good luck :)`

`Tarot challenge`


`JS challenge`

`Good luck :)`


`Sorry for the picture, I just had this one and the drawing is not anymore in my posses`

`horror challege`

`may the best drawing win !`

`2nd challenge for event, send challenge back Please `

`thanks `

`3rd challenge for event Please send challenge back`


`Fantasy rider`


`Tree man `

`Thank you!`

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