
Artwork views: 1944

Followers: 30

Following: 1

Score: 94900


Name: Giorgia Age:19 Country: Italy ~^^~ Check my...official facebook artist page=>

`past times`


`Primary Colors`


`~Space `

`I love space!!!!!!!`

`~Black and white~`

`Good luck.`

`~Fantasy and mythology~`

`Hi ! Did this one a little while ago.`


`Squirrels are nature!`


`Super Duck's a bird!`



`Fast Drawing`


`Any Painting`


`Any painting`


`Any painting`


`Space `


`~Ink portrait~`

`good luck!`

`~Winter landscape~`

`not a very scenic landscape, but it has a lot of meaning :)`

`Fall colors painting`




`Watercolors (non-realistic)`


`~Space oddity~`

`Hello!^^ I do this for the first time so...I don't really know what to do and stuff xD Good luck!`

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