
Artwork views: 57680

Followers: 41

Following: 54

Score: 108620


I've worked mostly in graphic art through the 80's and 90's. got burnt out because it became more about the money and not about the art so I stopped creating art for about 10-15 years. Been back about 3 years now. I'm only doing art for my own enjoyment now.


`Dark reaper....Good Luck`

`war past present and future`

`Victims of a Thousand Holy Wars.....Good Luck`


`Good luck`

`Dog or Cat (photos only please)`

`Good luck`

`surreal lion `

`This will be fun! :)`

`Lions head`

`good luck`

`Southern Rock`


`Grim Reaper`


`Surreal Art`


`original butterfly design. Anyone want to make up a butterfly?`

`good luck`

`landscape `

`good luck.`


`good luck.`


`good luck.`


`good luck`


`good luck`

`Cat (please respect the subjet, thanks )`

`Good luck`

`Lineart - Woman (without coloring, shades are good)`

`Good luck.`

`fantasy canine `

`Good Luck.`

`drawn with Ink`

`Good luck`


`Good luck.`

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