Master Painter Mark Carder
Digital Fine Art Portrait
Khobe 24 Nov 2017
Thanks for the comment but if you look down the artworks page you can check out my two WIP showing how I sketched and painted this portrait. Actually my reference was not a photo but a screen capture from a painting tutorial video from artist Mark Carder, a master of the old technique. He has a great website where he generously shares his teachings of the traditional craft for free. http://www.drawmixpaint.com
didier1961 24 Nov 2017
tres beaux travail ............ :----)
Khobe 24 Nov 2017
Merci beaucoup, j'essaie de faire valoir le travail sur ordi, outil controversé qui doit forger ses lettres de noblesse au niveau de l'intelligenzia culturelle conventionnelle qui lui refuse son mérite. Mais ce n'est qu'une question de temps car de nombreux nouveaux maîtres font un travail extraordinaire à l'échelle internationale dans le domaine des arts visuels. On peut voir ici _ https://www.artstation.com
Anonymous 24 Nov 2017
is this a painting or a photo edited?? if its a painting its amazing
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