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I am Nino (Nini) Kiknadze, from amazing country called Georgia. I started higher education with a Bachelor’s degree in social science and International relations in the Technical University of Georgia. Despite having a successful first year, I asked myself if i was on the correct path. i then realised that without touching art, my experience of live in the world would be void of meaning. So I decided to apply for the ‘Unified National Examinations’ and after a few-month preparation process I started my second Bachelor’s degree in Architecture, in Tbilisi State Academy of Art. I realized that art has always been and will be a mirror of my life and soul. In 2013-14 i have joined 'life drawing' classes in Bath Collage,in the UK. Now i am a student at the AID Berlin (Akademie für Illustration und Design Berlin). If you have any questions please feel free to ask me. Instagram: ninikikn

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