Artwork views: 60239

Followers: 7

Following: 2

Score: 64830


Traditional Artist

`Celebrity Crush II`


`Celebrity Crush`

`O Yeah`

`Anime fighter`

`i hope we're right`


`here it is`


`i hope this is`


`here it is.`

`two faces, one fading away`

`let's do it`



`work in progress`

`here we go`


`9 Birds and a Lady..:) `


`Good luck. `


`Good luck!^^`

`Realistic portrait`

`realistic is good`


`here we go`

`Manga Sketch `

`here it is`

`in progress (girl drawing )`

`here we go`

`simple girl`

`let's do it`

`DBZ Characters`

`german shephard xena <3`



`video games`

`Dragon Age! ♥`

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