
Artwork views: 22905

Followers: 13

Following: 68

Score: 27760


Insider Artist !



`something with teeth`

`Bite grrr !!!`


`boo !!`

`AAARGG!!! it be pirate time ...give us your best shot and challenge Captain Jack Sparrow to a duel....`

`Shiver me Timbers!!`



`Ink is a very unforgiving medium. I believe I am a master in this Medium, anyone want to prove That I just a dreamer and they need to school me.`


`Anyone have a handmade doll? Mine's a little dinosaur. :)`


`Farm Animals!`

`'Oink' Oink!!''`

`Come on, it's James Bond only... you know a Connery or a Craig or a Brosnan, this is a specific bond male challenge , just to make it so very precise to the subject matter , accept my challenge to draw your best James Bond portrait ...capture the likeness for precision and for total fun.......and lets go the big amount for temptation purposes...so you are stirred to draw not shaken not to....`


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