More artworks made by CeeCeeDude

Crochet Sheep Doll
Whoo! She took forever, but I finally finished my sheep! I made her because I wanted to try out a new stitch (The Bobble Stitch) and I didn't realize it would take as long as it did, nor that it'd be really killer on my wrists like it was! Anyways, I hope you all like her. This was my shop description for her: This project was crocheted and sewn by hand. She is 9 inches long (From her tail to her nose), 5 inches wide, and 8 1/2 inches tall. Her head, body, ears, legs, tail, and eyes are separate pieces. The eyes were clipped in from the inside of her head, the rest of her was sewn together. Despite the many pieces, she is quite durable. You can tug on her quite a bit without her coming apart. She was made with white yarn, black yarn for the nostrils, plastic safety eyes, and Poly-Fil toy stuffing. She's up for sale for 125$, 10$ shipping in the US and 15$ shipping in Canada and Mexico. (I do not ship anywhere else, sorry! :\ ) Interested in buying her? You can find her for sale here: