Artwork views: 36799

Followers: 16

Following: 42

Score: 94780

Group Fantasy Art


Hobbyist -- Painting for Fun

`Flowers `


`Fall scene`

`Fall tree`


`Why not even two of them? ;)`


`Good luck :)`

`Flowers in a Vase (please respect the subject)`


`Fall colors painting`


`My brushes`

`Maybe my brush don't see in this photo, but I assure you that there are XD`

`Tulips `

`Flowers sketch`


`A swan is a type of bird.`

`A colorful painting`

`May the best painting win!`

`any painting`

`thanks :)`

`Any painting`

`Thank you`

`Landscape painting`

`So I don't have a landscape right now.`

`any painting`

`Hello :)`

`any painting -- please put up some challenges folks so we can get those credits for today's event!`

`I need those credits, thanks for creating this :)`


`ball point pen`

`A Swan`

`brad pitt`

`Tulips (please respect the subject)`

`lets do it`




`Good luck :)`

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