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Artwork views: 36791
Followers: 16
Following: 42
Score: 94780
Group Fantasy Art
Hobbyist -- Painting for Fun
`Tiger lilies - please no photos`
`Good luck`
`Yellow roses`
`Colorful Gerbera Daisies`
`A whimsical painting `
`Mesmerizing water.`
`This is a picture of a candle`
`Dancing in the light`
`An Orange painting`
`A Green Painting`
`good luck:)`
`Sunset scene`
`A Landscape`
`whoo, challenge :) Look forward to seeing your picture!`
`Geometric/Abstract: Have fun with it!`
`Have fun...good luck.`
`Sail Boats (Please no photos)`
`Silhouette Landscape (please no photos)`
`One day I noticed,....`
`Don't know what your challenger is for so I hope this is OK `
`Lily pond (no photos)`
`Lets do this`
`Field of Iris`
`Good luck `
`Pink Roses (no photo)`
`Yellow Rose (no photos)`