Artwork views: 18789

Followers: 8

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Score: 28300

Group LandScape


I am a part-time artist working in Riga, Latvia. In recent years, my work has focused almost exclusively on oil painting. I am interested in the natural beauty painting of the nature and landscapes. There are a lot of beauty in this world, and I try to express it in my paintings. Painting and art is a fundamental part of my life journey. Please join me on my way! See more at:

`Still life`

`The bride`


`Mt. Rainier at 5:00 a.m.`

`Fruit or flower`

`A family of purple orchid flowers!`

`Sea & rock & lighthouse`

`Thanks for judging`

`Ezio from assassin's creed. Open to whatever. `

`If it open to whatever let's try River!`


`Thanking the judges in advance`

`i'ts the most wonderfull time of the year :D enjoy`


`Still life`

`Good luck`





`Water mill`

`Bring the noise.`

`Water mill`



`good luck`



`Lake in the mountains`

`A big cat!`


`good luck`


`Good luck`


`Top it!`


`Good luck`


`Good Luck `

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