Artwork views: 18660

Followers: 5

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Score: 28940

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40 something years old, from the UK, mother of two girls and two cats.


`Good luck`

`Flying insect`

`Good Luck!`


`Good luck.`

`Portrait of a singer`

`Good Luck, pretty sure this won't be good enough but thought I'd give it a go!!`


`Good luck.`

`Any Bird `

`Good luck `


`Good luck`


`First attempt at an eagle, good luck.`


`Good luck`


`Good luck xx`


`Never could resist a kitten.`


`Not sure how good this one is but I like it:) Good luck.`


`Good luck`

`Bird of prey`

`Good Luck`


`Third time lucky maybe!`

`Insect on flower`

`I'm sure I know how this is going to end up but it's worth a try.`

`Small bird`

`Still fairly new to this site but enjoying the challenges. Good luck. xx`

`big cat`

`Hi, still new to this site, only second challenge. Would love any advice, thanks. Good luck.`


`Hi, Only been a member for 2 days so first attempt at challenge, hope I'm doing it right. `

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