Artwork views: 23552

Followers: 8

Following: 7

Score: 29800


just a random doodler from somewhere on this planet i'm more active on instagram, so in case you're interested in following: @mirauchegal

`Xenomorph fight only`

`good luck! :)`

`Star Wars! `

`May the force be with you.`

`A female star wars character might add a bit of spice`

`gl :)`

`Star wars`

`gl, let's give it a go!`


`Good luck! `

`Tattoo designs and patterns! :) `

`rengar :D`


`Good look! :) `

`Fantasy beasts drawn with ink! Black and white work only. `

`:) gl`

`nature art`


`i love dotwork! <3`


`anatomical hearts <3`

`This is just for fun`

`Dotwork and black ink please!`

` `


`i hope its fine that i chose a sunset instead of a sunrise to represent my corner :)`

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