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Artwork views: 80003
Followers: 6
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Score: 44100
Group sci-fi, horror, portraits (really anything goes)
`Just a fun sketch`
`Just a quick sketch`
`Water `
`Just an inspiration for a new project`
`For fun =) `
`A sketch I did 2015`
`Just a sketch I did in 2015`
`Colored Pencil Bottle or Can`
`Cuddle Time (Cartoon or realistic could work)`
`Scream, and blood`
`Cartoon animal people or anthros or furrys. Mine is a fox girl at a pool table. Matching the theme with at least something animal related is fine. `
`Star Lamp`
`good luck :)`
`Rise and Shine`
`let's have fun`
` Horse + Magic = Unicorn`
`Variety of Maid dresses `
`Playing the Bassoon `
`Love ^.^ `
`Angry Girl (Could something be a sketch or a detailed drawing) This is open. `
`Good luck`
`Care to bear it!`