More artworks made by Justinnator4

Sasha the foxy lady
Owner and reference; A request from a new watcher. (I do requests, though they can take weeks sometimes.) This character seems to be considered clothed in fur in some pictures and in a bikini in other pictures. As I drew her and improvised a pose, I couldn't decide an outfit that'd look good without reference and complement her figure. I guess I took the easy way out and left her in her natural fur coat. I think this is my first drawing of this type. Miyuki was drawn a little like this, but without the leg raised.
Challenge: Justinnator4 VS kitten_500
Oscarlira 26 Mar 2016
This is Good one, try ro work on The pose, She could looks sexier
Trigemini 6 Dec 2015
To be honest, It looks more like rough drawing, not the final version. But keep up!
ByeongariLee 5 Dec 2015
Good job, but try to not mark too much the lines
Anonymous 10 Feb 2016
Rough style. Nice concept thou.
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