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Artwork views: 80003
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Score: 44100
Group sci-fi, horror, portraits (really anything goes)
`Tim Burton Fanart`
`Michael Jackson`
`For the memory of the great man.`
`Read the description attached to the image `
`Nature `
`flower power`
`A friendly competition? `
` I had a OC of my own that I named pateince`
`Color pop! Let a singular color shine!`
`Close to what I have `
`art work`
`It's an observational drawing, & it is something `
`art work (hero )`
` (By the way, this is a really old drawing, and I understand this does not look too pleasing). `
`Gothic Fashion (F/M)`
`hope this'll be ok Good luck ^^`
`Black and White Creepy Picture`
`Cute anime/manga style girl`
`This as close that I have to far. `
`This is just for fun`
`Anything you want :) Have fun with it!`
`This is a developed art, this is just for fun, and laughs. Read the description under the image for a clear explanation. `
`Cartoon Village`
`It is a progress for a upcoming project that I am working on right now`
`Fantasy horse`
`I tried to come up with something, but I have such a tight schedule that it has been hard for me to work on my own stuff next to my college work. `
`Butterfly `
`Trio of Friends (OC only!)`