More artworks made by sarahriebe

General Grievous (WIP)
A work in progress for my coworker who is obsessed with Star Wars (I did the Darth Maul painting for him as well). It's been in progress for almost two years, cause I'm not too thrilled with how it's going. But I'm trying to buckle down and finish it.
Challenge: sarahriebe VS kitten_500
REDtr 11 Sep 2015
Im looking to the finish product. this is nice :)
Justinnator4 4 Mar 2016
It's great that your critical of yourself and strive to make the piece better. So far the cyborg detail looks great. This may become my favorite artistic tribute to my favorite Star Wars Villain.
trevorp 17 Sep 2015
Looks pretty darn good to me :-)
Briver 13 Sep 2015
Grievous has an amazing design, and you've captured quite well.
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