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Artwork views: 12960
Followers: 2
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Score: 15080
Group Gay Club
I'm attending community college right now, self taught, just started drawing last january and painting this november.
`Wanna do another musician drawing challenge? Your John Lennon one looked really cool!`
`Alright no problem, the John Lennon one isn't Challenge worthy though. Just uploaded it for fun.`
`Wanna do a person/portrait challenge?`
`Alright no problem, sorry about the late replies. I've been offline for a month`
`Wanna do a musicians challenge?`
`Simone Simons (from Epica)`
`Hey, do you still want to try working on a project for the lgbt?`
`Hey do you wanna do another challenge? :)`
`Sure. WOuld like a theme for these challenges in the future, if you don't mind. Once I put up a drawing I can't use it anymore, so it would be better to have themed challenges :)`
`Haha hey, I want to do this just for fun :D I think it is great and we can put our work in the spotlight (:`
`Sounds great! `
`Up for a musicians challenge? I wanna try out this challenge thing :)`
`I'd love to!`