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`something creative `

`A female high school student waiting for the train to school.`


`Mt. Rainier at 5:00 a.m.`

`Fruit or flower`

`A family of purple orchid flowers!`


`8 galloping horses running across an open field.`


`A GWR 1400 class pulling an auto train over the River Severn, England.`

`Old Boat`

`A Chinese Junk, Princess Taiping sailing pass a far away island. `

`Golden FLower`

`A pair of yellow Hibiscus. `

`Folklore Illustration`

`Journey to the West is a fictional version of the historic version of Xuanzang and his pilgrimage to India. Filled with Chinese folk religion, mythology, Taoist and Buddhist philosophy, and the pantheon of Taoist immortals and Buddhist bodhisattvas are still reflective of some Chinese religious attitudes today. `

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