
Artwork views: 66213

Followers: 10

Following: 3

Score: 64710


Germany /female

`Drawing of a friend`

`Good Luck:))`

`Zentangle `

`Good luck! `


`Good luck :D`

`Freddy krueger`

`Just a sketch from me^^`

`good luck`

`Thanks ;)`



`Star Wars `

`Princess Leia smiling for you. ;)`

`Egypt `

`:) `

`something creative `

`A female high school student waiting for the train to school.`

`Bunnys :))`

`Eleonora Sabatia and Ruby`

`show me your frog :) `

`Good luck`

`horror film `


`skeleton or zombie head`

`the walking dead ;D `

`Any sketch with ballpoint pens`

`Good luck :))`

`Bird (Parrot)`

`Good luck :))`

`What is it ? Why this ?`

`i don't know. ;D `


`I enjoy to made this:)`

`Star wars`

`gl, let's give it a go!`

`work in progress :)`



`This Angel is the light in the darkness. `

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