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Artwork views: 21143
Followers: 5
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Score: 21440
I really enjoy doing this, so I keep doing it.
`Battle ready (manga)`
`Cyborgs and humans`
`Marvel in black pen`
`Ghost Rider`
`Dragon Ball Z`
`Pixel Art`
`Tiger haunt`
`From a book that you read as a kid`
`here it was inspired by something i read as a kid`
`Attack on Titan`
`hi! My drawing is not that good (had some issues with the paintbrushes) but I made it for this challenge. Hope you like it!`
`video game character`
`Doctor Who`
`game hero`
`Dragon from a book, show, etc.`
` Charizard is a dragon, right?`
`Random digital art`
`Street Fighter`
`As seen on YouTube`
`Favorite music artist`
`barry White`
`This is my challenge! It's a wolf`
`Favorite movie character`