Artwork views: 9354

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I live in Austria. Digital drawing and photography are my hobbies. I need for my drawings a lot of time .... I'm a fan of Assassin's creed ,Thor and Landscape paintings. Music and colors are my life ;)

`Fanart of video games`

`:) `

`the sea (waves, palm trees, boats............... No matter just the sea )`


`a boy (painting - drawing)`

`My pastel boy.`

`painted flower !!!`

`hi !`

`Landscape or scenery`



`I hope that's okay ?!?`

`Snow!!! A digital drawing with snow - landscape :)`

`I never challenged. try?)`

`Cemetery !!! Whether grave, urn, candle .... just something that has to do with cemetery .`

`This will be good.`

`something with trees`

`A little late maybe, but happy Father's Day to you!:)`

`Flower - Challenge`


`A day at the seaside :) no matter whether ship, boat, surfers, beach, lighthouse, houses, waves............. Sea must be on it . Good luck!`

`I don't know if that's exactly what you have in mind, but that's up to you. ;)`

`Movie star: An actor no matter from what country :) `


`My first challenge: A bird big or small no matter. Body or only the head is also no matter. Painted would be nice ;) `

`I'll try my best!`

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