Our Zairieene Corner

I'm girl from Finland and I'm candidate for the matriculation examination at upper secondary school of visual arts. I'm digital artist n_n I usually draw fantasy related stuff or very dark/wicked/creepy looking art . || Creepy long grins, gloomy atmospheres/backgrounds, dark Creatures, beasts, dragons and canines|| What I really love to do is to draw very detailed stuff / including characters [x ♥ I love challenges~ Best way to learn in my opinion, heh~(I draw traditionally too but I usually don't post them anywhere :'D.. ) If you want to talk to me or get to know me, I don't mind :3 Go ahead! (I might be more active on Deviantart so I might post more actively art in there and its the fastest place to contact me! I visit there almost daily n.n~ Of course I try to be equally active on both sites [x but I just wanted to inform^! ^^ )