
Artwork views: 46377

Followers: 14

Following: 7

Score: 58690


Studied Bachelor's degree modern painting, mural painting, mosaic, stained glass and ceramics at New Bulgarian University. Studied master's degree Artistic practices in an architectural environment in New Bulgarian University. Studied master's degree Egyptology in New Bulgarian University.

`Digital Art`

`Good luck to both of us.:)`


`Good luck to us both! :)`

`Landscape Painting`


`Silent hill`


`Portrait =) `






`Just for fun! =) `


`Tree ans sky`


`Egypt `

`:) `

`Levitation Photography`


`Theme: Bird`

`Good luck to us both. :)`



`Silouethe sketch`


`Woman sketch`





`Thanks for judging`





`Warcraft aspect`

`May the best work win.:)`

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