
Artwork views: 10705

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Score: 14840


Hi !! I'm SushiWolfi, I'm 14 and I love draw My Deviantart:


`Well I try...`

`Horse (monster)`

`Well, first challenge xD`

`Screeming wolf creature`

`Hope this is the type of wolf you wanted :)`


`My sunset <3 Can't wait to see your's :D`

`Animal Eye(s)`

`My eye ^^`

`dragon :))`

`My dragon <3`

`Wolf, any type (please respect the subject :] )`

`lets do this`


`Let me see your entry :) !!`


`Let me see your entry :) !!`

`Eyes _The reflection of the soul_ : Just draw Them !!`

`Hello, it's the first time I've tried a challenge and I don't even know what I'm supposed to say, but I wrote nevertheless.. :Ρ`

`Evil creature (any type of)`


`Let have a challenge to deffent out artistic honor.`

`I accept with honor the challenge :3`

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