
Artwork views: 80925

Followers: 23

Following: 89

Score: 130410


Current Age: 31 years Nationality: German Current Job: Tattooartist You can find me on these sites too:

`Frozen - FanArt - Challenge`


`Elf - Fantasy - Challenge`

`The Beauty of an angle ;)`

`Monochrome - Challenge`


`Musician - FanArt - Challenge`


`Fungi - Challenge`

`This will be good.`

`Fan art Challenge mine is Candle Cove fan art.`

`Good luck! ^^`

`Movie - FanArt - Challenge`

`high five!`

`Nature - Challenge`

`Here, I've chosen a photo of dandelion, my favourite flower. They're gony by now, and that's whyt the photo is called 'Dream of spring'.`

`Manga - FanArt - Challenge`

`high five!`

`Flower - Challenge`


`Fruit - Challenge`

`I hope you like it!`

`I challenge thee to a DUEL!`

`Good luck! ^^`

`Fruits - Photography - Challenge`

`Mcberries `

`Insect - Photography - Challenge`

`Insect `

`Nature - Photo - Challenge`

`Nature is a wonderful thing.`

`Cat - Photo - Challenge`

`My old roommate's cat`

`Fantasy - Elf - Challenge`

`good luck)`

`your favorite couple`

`Good luck! :)`

`Nature photography challenge`

`where is the rainbow at? could you find it?`

`Disney FanArt Challenge`

`mickey and friends`

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