
Artwork views: 24864

Followers: 19

Following: 10

Score: 52030


Self taught traditional artist that dreams of becoming professional one day. I specialize with Acrylics www.facebook.com/artbystephanie


`good luck`

`Something marvel`

`Silver Surfer `


`good luck`

`Star wars`

`good luck`

`Spiderman universe`

`Good Luck`


`Good luck`


`Good luck`

`Portraits of any kind!`

`Challenge accepted!`


`It's not a self portrait, but it's the only challenge that would allow me to accept. `

`Anything Marvel!`

`tony stark!`

`Super heroes marvel or DC painting or drawing`

`Good luck to us both`


`Good luck all in fun`


`john lennon ?? `

`I'm just learning how to do this. Challenge for fun?`

`I hardly ever get challenges. I'm not quite sure how they work :-)`

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