
Artwork views: 42827

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I work as a Teaching Assistant with children with Special Educational Needs. I love kids, animals nature & crafting. I mke cards, scrapbooks, paint & draw & enjoy photography.

`little cat`




`Duck `

`May the best photo win.`


`Good luck `


`Be Prepared`


`:) Good luck `

`Butterfly and flower`

`Good luck `

`Seaside: post a picture which has a nautical feel to it `

`This panel,a free interpretation of a frame from JAWS 2,misures 33x48 cm on paper,and is a INK Wash.The scenes are TWO different,fused togheter,otherwise the fin would be too great. :) ORIGINAL Art for sale.`

`Proof of Angels: show a photograph which has a magical feel to it `

`Nothing has more magic than a grat sunset *-*`


`I know mine isn't a great drawing but I love Pam Poovey heehee`

`Postcardpicture of a landscape`

`:) `

`Sketch up :)`

`Good luck! :)`

`Postcard-worthy photograph of a native animal in nature. `

`:3 Good luck `

`Stripes: post a photo of any striped animal :) Good luck `

`My cat.`

`Please Drawing only, fishes....`

`It's only one fishy but with yours it will be fishes `

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