Artwork views: 49860

Followers: 19

Following: 17

Score: 80510

`something happy`

`Good luck `

`cat `


`dog `

`Have not drawn to many dogs and i want to promote the challenge section in drawings sooooooI take a risk for fun`

`cat drawing`



`Rough Collie`

`Sadness `

`I hope this is ok. he looks kind of sad`

`something orange`

`This red fox is orange `

`animal with person`




`Head without body.`

`I hope this is what you mean`

`You can put anything :)`

`interested to see what you have `

`dog drawing`

`Good luck`

`cat drawing`

`Good luck `


`he's cute`

`Wip `

`for fun`

`Realistic drawing of an eye.`

`cats eye`



`big cat`


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