More artworks made by Justinnator4

Nearah is a Vixden, a fan made species within the Halo universe. Vixden species owned by; While I'm drawing this for someone else's original species, Nearah's design and character are by me. Use of this character goes to the species owner and whoever asks for usage and is given permission. I designed her to be like a pickpocket thief who would steal Covenant weapons when able. She has a holster hard point to attach side arms to like most characters in Halo. The connecting part of the strap is on her right side and not visible from this angle. This is probably her casual outfit since a black body suit would be better for thieving.
Challenge: Michelle Nguyen VS Justinnator4
kitten_500 20 Jan 2016
Yup, I have. I already have this concept down.
kitten_500 18 Jan 2016
Anonymous 11 Mar 2016
looks cool
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