Artwork views: 16048

Followers: 5

Following: 8

Score: 22390

`Any thing`

`Here's anything.`


`Turtles are so majestic.`

`Still life`

`Still life in the sense that this individual's life has been stilled.`

`Surreal. Make Salvador Dali proud.`

`good luck`

`A romantic scene. `

`'s a romantic pairing? XD`

`Body paint. Bodies are canvases too!`

`Let's go)`

`Dark humor/ Halloween theme `

`Too spoopy!`

`A fantasty scene. Something out of a children's storybook.`

`Good luck! :)`


`A sassy punk woman. `


`All the poise and attitude of a cat captured in one shot. Truly this specimen is of the photogenic nature. Whether your picture be unbearably adorbale or simply elegant, I look forward to any cat photo. :)`

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