Our MariaSierra17998 Corner
Well I'm a 16 year old girl :D, I lived in the states for 10 years and im living at this moment in Colombia :), I really love anime, video games and music :3 I really really love to draw, its my passion, every single day I have to draw something or just doodle hehehe hmm I know two languages English as you can see and spanish, I'm learning korean :D I'm a super happy and bubbly person, im really optimist, I'm like super short hahaha I'm 1.52 and people describe me as a really crazy person haha so yeahh thats all I can say for now, Hope you enjoy my drawings as much as I love them, and I'll keep improving and moving on, I wana be a huge tattoo artist later on in the future, so I croos my fingers for that to become true c: