Artwork views: 9810

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Following: 34

Score: 31150

Group Fantasy Art


Hi everybody! I'm from Italy, near Milan and a man of 28 years old. I'm a traditional and digital illustrator. I've beginning with the intent to becoming a videogames developer. My interests is in fantasy and adventure books, RPG videogames and comics or manga. Now i've write (and published) my first storybook saga, some of my works is an illustration for that. I've an idea to work at a different comics too. I hope you enjoy my works ^^

`Disney world`


`Just a woman`



`good luck =)`

`Monster Inc. character `

`I hope you like it`

`An old man`

`I hope you like it ^^`

`My brushes`

`Maybe my brush don't see in this photo, but I assure you that there are XD`

`man's portrait`

`I hope you like this ^^`


`This is my drawing of a dog! Hope you like that ^^`

`Abstract Black/White `

`Is no an abstract... but is a black and white xD Va boh, i hope you like it ^^`

`Wood color pencils realism (If it's a bill, better, if not, is okay)`

`That's my image for the realism duel! Hope you like that ^^`

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